Thursday, April 20, 2006

Nzulezu stilt village

We all hooked up with a Brittish guy named Krys after the eclipse to go to the Nzulezu stilt village. You may have seen it on TV or in pictures. It is an entire village built on stilts above the water in a lagoon. The car got stuck very bad in the mud on the way there. Suddenly, from nowhere, a whole group of people were there lifting the car up to put branches and palm leaves under the stuck wheel.

Getting dirty that way was just part of the excitement. We had to wade thru mud and black water to get to the canoe that would take us to the village. And then paddle for 25 minutes to get there.

I let Jessie and Justice do the paddling.

The village consisted of one long pier, referred to as Main Street. Off one side was the living quarters and on the other side were the businesses and school.

This village elder caused Justice and Jessie a lot of grief by insisting that he appear in photos with them:


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